How We Help

Providing Information, Making Connections and Supporting Research

The SKANRF is a 501(c)(3) public charity formed to support the eating disorders community worldwide through facilitating social community connections, establishing linkages to medical and mental health service providers and providing up-to-date information on eating disorders. A major goal of the Foundation is to support breakthrough research to establish the primary cause of eating disorders, with an emphasis on Anorexia Nervosa to discover a path to the primary prevention of this mental illness.

Supporting New Research

The SKANRF provides grants for research to universities and other research organizations around the world under a targeted Request for Proposal (RFP) program. From 2023 to 2026, the Foundation will be focused on funding projects in 4 topic areas.

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Latest News & Research

The Foundation provides regular updates on eating disorders from The National Institute of Mental Health, the Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and other leading academic institutions worldwide.

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